People ask what happens to pets when they die. Are they waiting for us on the other side? In my experience, pets continue to hang around the people who loved them. The thing about dogs, cats, etc is even though they’re sentient, they aren’t like us. They don’t evaluate death or worry about it. To them it basically feels like their best day on Earth and then some when they find themselves on the other side. Sick pets who are euthanized experience a release from their suffering and boundless energy at the moment of their passing. It’s a treat for them but they’re still connected to their person/people and they will stay with you until you’re ready to let them go. Often times a person will feel their pets in their laps or brushing up against their legs because, just as they did in life, they’re trying to comfort you. I’ve been amazed at how pets (especially dogs) will show up in mediumship readings. They communicate the same way they do when they’re alive - through emotions and images rather than words. Without fail, they ALWAYS come through joyfully. Sometimes when you feel guilty about the urge to get another pet, you need to realize that it’s your beloved Fido who is giving you that urge. The really cool thing I’ve found with pets in spirit is they will stick around and help your new pet get acclimated! Most animals are able to sense and see the spirit realm because they don’t have as many filters in place like humans do. To them, it simply is what it is. Often times, once they start exploring their new surroundings on the other side, they will hook up with previous owners or others who they remember as being close to their living owners. I’ve had pets usher in people and I’ve had people usher in pets. I guess in spirit, there’s a lot of teamwork 😊.