Readings - $150/hour |
Mediumship is primarily communication from the spirit realm to the living, using the medium as a channel. Often, people find the experience to be healing and the seeker may contact deceased loved ones. Mediumship readings last for a minimum of one hour.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is it like to get a reading?
Here is what you can expect from me as well as some tips for you to get the best reading possible.
- Bring items that your loved ones used to own and value. Like, bring their favorite ring or hat but don't bring the salt shaker out of their cupboard unless they loved that salt shaker or it had some special significance to them. Bring pictures of the person, preferably just them alone but any picture is better than no picture. Let me know you brought these items but please don't pull them out and display them until I ask you to.
- I will do my best to deliver information from the spirit you want to contact, although connecting to who you want is never a guarantee. I will ask spirit for evidence of who they are to you. Much of the time, they will allow me to see and describe the way they look. Most often they will appear to me in such a way that they felt the best about themselves when they were alive, which may not be the way they looked when they died...usually it isn't. Sometimes, they will take me on a tour of the inside of the home they lived in or that you currently or previously lived in. Sometimes, they will show me something as simple as a bicycle or a homemade picture frame.
- Every so often, I'm unable to get a clairvoyant (visual) confirmation. In that case, I will try other methods for obtaining evidence but once in a while they just want to say what they have to say and the only thing I can do is open up a channel. I will do my best to give you evidence. At a certain point, evidence or not, we are going to have to move forward. If you OR I are uncomfortable with the connection I'm experiencing, I may end the reading early and refund your money. It may not be the right timing or I may not be the right medium for some reason.
- I am a medium who isn't afraid to tell you the truth, even if it is not what you want to hear. I ask that you come to readings with an open mind that is willing to accept what is being said. I always want to tell people what they want to hear but sometimes that isn't what is coming through to me. I believe a good medium, just like a good friend, will tell you what you need to hear even if it is difficult information or it doesn't make sense to the medium. After all, it often makes sense to you. No matter what, my goal is ultimately to empower you.
- Relax. If you are extremely nervous, you run the risk of blocking information. I read energy and I am an empath. Therefore, I am going to connect with your emotional state first. If you're nervous, chances are I will be too.
Can I bring my friend(s) or family member(s) into my reading?
I prefer one on one sessions, especially if the reading is only for you. I can't control what is going to come through and in the past, my clients and I have experienced some awkward situations! Sometimes, very private information will come through and I will either hold it back or the client will deny it and that can stall the reading. If I suddenly blurt out information that you have never shared with a soul in front of your husband or co-worker, how would you feel? I can assure you that the information is relevant and if you deny it for the sake of privacy, your reading will be altered or blocked. In addition to this issue, keep in mind that I am an empath and a channel. I'm opening myself up to the energies in the room. When there is more than one person in the room, the information can get mixed together and I've had experiences where the person who tagged along with you ends up getting a reading instead of or in addition to you. Unless I'm doing a gallery style spirit circle, I don't like more than one person in the reading room at a time so I stopped allowing this except under special circumstances. Therefore, 99% of the time I will deny your request to bring someone in with you to your mediumship or Tarot readings. If I do agree to it, I will charge more. However, I am perfectly fine with you recording the reading on your phone or other recording device and sharing it with anyone you please.
Do you offer readings over the phone?
The cost of the reading is $150/hour. I also offer the same money back guarantee for phone readings as I do for in office readings if no connection is made at all.
Shouldn't we let the dead rest in peace? Isn't it evil to talk to them?
I don't believe so and if you do, my services are not right for you. I am not a religious person and I do not wish to engage in debates about the matter.
In my experience, our deceased loved ones never leave us. They seek to guide us and are continuously loving us from the other side, and if you have a strong urge or desire to connect to this person, chances are they want to connect with you as well. Therefore, I view this process as one of healing as opposed to parlor tricks or magic. I do this because it is a call to service from Spirit, not to simply impress or amaze you.
Our physical bodies may die, but the love between people never does.
When people we love cross over, the relationship merely shifts into a new form of communication. I assist with that process.
In my experience, our deceased loved ones never leave us. They seek to guide us and are continuously loving us from the other side, and if you have a strong urge or desire to connect to this person, chances are they want to connect with you as well. Therefore, I view this process as one of healing as opposed to parlor tricks or magic. I do this because it is a call to service from Spirit, not to simply impress or amaze you.
Our physical bodies may die, but the love between people never does.
When people we love cross over, the relationship merely shifts into a new form of communication. I assist with that process.