Sometimes, when doing readings, I will get a theme of the week. I start to consider it a theme of the week when over 75% of the readings I get are about the same topic, either literally or energetically or both. This has happened so many times in the 5 years I’ve been giving readings, I started to look for more universal answers. The first place I turned was astrology. Even though I found other correlations that have to do with empathy and spirit activity, astrology has provided me with consistent answers and new perspectives. I find astrology to be one of the most helpful tools of my life.
There is usually always something significant going on in astrology, like a planet stationing retrograde or stationing direct or major aspects, or patterns, forming in the skies above us. When a planet is stationing, the energy will feel very draining and stuck as this particular planet appears to come to a stop and then begin to move in the opposite direction. I have experienced times where all of a sudden I can just hardly keep my eyes open and when I check the ephemeris, I find that a planet was stationing in that exact hour.
I don’t think it’s always helpful to blame astrology for something that’s happening. I don’t think planetary energy necessarily causes events and actions as much as it enables them by helping the energy flow in certain directions with less effort. How many times do you hear someone blame something on Mercury retrograde? Don’t get me wrong, there are legitimate things that can be blamed on Mercury retrograde. My phone and other electronics almost always do weird shit during Mercury retrograde, especially this last one! But people always look for scapegoats and retrograde planets make easy pickings for astrologers and people who follow astrology. I just want you to know that there is always a positive side to what the planets are doing.
When someone loses their temper and blames it on Mars retrograde, for instance, they’re only half right. Mars retrograde can stir up repressed emotions, especially anger and irritation because it rules anger and aggression. Mars also rules passion, action and desire too though. But did Mars retrograde make you go off on your co-worker? No. You chose to go off on your co-worker. It may have been a long time coming, but that was all you! Mars retrograde just provided the extra energy to enable it to happen in that timing. If there was no buried anger within you, there would be no eruptions.
That doesn’t make you a bad person. You have to express it at some point to get it out. But Mars retrograde energy will enable you to examine appropriate ways of releasing anger, for better or for worse. If you are unaware of what is going on with Mars or if you are unaware of the fact that you have pent up and repressed anger stuffed deep inside your soul, the results can be embarrassing or destructive but you will still learn the lesson.
A lot of people fear retrogrades, but they aren’t always bad. I’ll be the first to admit that I sometimes look at planets going retrograde and think, “Oh shit! Here we go!” I used to do it all the time. But in my research and conversations, I discovered an ancient way of looking at retrograde planets in astrology that makes more sense to me and it seems to click better for me when I read charts. When a planet is retrograde, it appears in our sky as if it is moving backward. The ancients viewed this phenomenon simply. To them, it just meant that the planet had a much stronger influence on the chart.
It turns out that when a planet is retrograde, as explained scientifically, it is able to more strongly influence the Earth with its gravitational pull because it’s traveling on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. When the planet is direct, the Sun is somewhere in between the Earth and that planet and it’s buffering that planet’s energy with its own because the Sun has the strongest energy in our solar system. So scientifically, the planet would have a greater gravitational pull on the Earth than when it had the Sun interfering with its influence on our planet. Metaphysically, we would then say that the energy of that planet is strengthened and magnified in our charts because it isn’t being filtered by the power of the Sun. Even more so if that planet is also retrograde in the natal chart. Ancient astrologers had it right all along!
The same goes for a transiting planet. Right now, several planets are retrograde so their energy is more readily available for use in our lives and in our decisions. Saturn is retrograde in Sagittarius right now. When we aren’t used to this strength of Saturn, in any sign, it can feel very uncomfortable. Exactly how uncomfortable it is can be determined by other factors in the chart. Saturn is the Lord of Karma and is all about rules and work and organization, so it can suck to have a Saturn retrograde transit a sensitive point in your chart and to get bonked over the head a million times in a row, hitting wall after wall.
But if you need to bring more structure to your life and understand the ways that you hold yourself back, then a Saturn retrograde transit is going to teach you a hell of a lot about how you’re fucking up and how to fix it. That’s a good thing. It all depends on your perspective. Understanding how the current positions of the planets (transits) are contacting your chart gives you a better idea of how to best use the energies available to you. If you would like to know how the current retrograde planets are personally affecting your life, according to your chart, contact me for a reading.
That being said, this week I have experienced a theme. Interestingly enough, the theme came to me through my Tarot readings, both personal and professional, which isn’t unusual for me lol. I’m an empath, which means I feel what other people feel and they can often feel what I feel. This attracts people to me who either feel the way I feel or want to feel the way I feel, depending. Tarot cards seem empathic to me as well. Every deck has its own energy and speaks in a different way. Empaths can feel everything from numbers to smells, so cards printed with all the archetypal symbols of the human experience is kind of like a magnet to some empaths, myself included.
Anyway, lately I’ve felt a little stuck. Like, I’ve done all this work on all these different projects and I’m just sitting around, waiting for everything to fall into place. But nothing seemed to want to fall into place in the timing I was looking for! It’s frustrating because I’ve worked very hard and I’ve been happily and eagerly anticipating good results but there was this underlying tension telling me I couldn’t relax until there was NO DOUBT about the outcome. I’m accomplishing many things I have found difficult for several years, in various areas of my life, and I’m ready to reap the full rewards and let go of the tedious details of wrapping up all the loose ends. I’m sick of it. I want it to be over and done with, once and for all, so I can move on to other things already!
Up until Mars re-entered Scorpio, I was blissfully happy about the progress being made. But literally the day this transit happened (May 27th), I started to feel dissatisfied. In hindsight, I can see that this was for no real reason just like the 9 of swords was telling me. There is an inevitable outcome in motion. So do I relax and enjoy that? No, I start bracing for disaster! That’s not healthy folks. As a matter of fact, it’s the opposite of manifesting your dreams. But unfortunately, human beings do that when they’ve been stressed the fuck out for extended periods of time. Just sayin. If you’ve been doing that, you have to have compassion for yourself and let it go. You’ve worked hard and you deserve to relax now.
So I kept looking for what I was missing. You know – what else can I do to make this perfect? What else can I do to move this forward? What else can I do? What else can I do? What else can I dooo??? I mean, damn, Mars is retrograde and it’s all about figuring how to make things run more smoothly, which wasn’t so bad when it was recently in Sagittarius and we were taking a higher view and acting in faith. Can there really be wrong answers when it comes to philosophy and other such high matters? But then it crossed the Scorpio cusp on its retrograde travels. According to the experts, we’re not supposed to start new projects. Instead we are supposed to be refining and perfecting our existing projects, especially the ones started around New Year. I don’t know about you, but I had a lot on my plate in January so up until lately it hasn't been too hard to find loose ends to tie.
Scorpio is fixed water and ruled by Pluto and Mars. We’re talking a deep, active dive into the darkness of our souls whether we wanted to or not. I love Scorpios but they reside here and have you ever noticed how squirmy it can feel under their gaze? They try to read your soul with every stare, which can be sexy but a little intense for every situation. I’m just sayin. Mars was direct in Scorpio at the beginning of this year. It was a time of getting to the bottom of desires and instincts that no longer serve our highest good, looking ourselves in the eye to face our demons and strategizing for improvement, all while you were super raw from dredging all those demons up while Saturn was in Scorpio over the last couple of years. At least for me it was. I have some pretty intense aspects in my birth chart lol. That shit sucked. I have Pluto in the 8th house so I’m always kind of doing that anyway, but not on that level.
If I think of fixed water, I think of a swamp. Saturn and then Mars going through Scorpio was like stirring up all the shit that I’ve ever been through in this life and my past 30 lives from the bottom of the swamp in my soul to be cleansed through the fires of Pluto. When Saturn left Scorpio, followed by Mars, I felt like there was no more swamp left in my soul. It was like an enema given, unasked for, by the universe. Finally, everything began to click and a plans were formed and executed. Things were moving ahead and then several of the planets started to go retrograde and things continued to move ahead except it was hard to notice with the tidal wave of energies hitting us.
But now, Mars is moving back into Scorpio and everything has slowed down to a trickle again. Only not... Ugh! It feels like trying to walk from one side of the swamp to the other while your boots keep getting stuck in the mud, begging the question – what has been missed in the lessons of the last couple of years? Why, oh why, does The Hanged Man keep showing up in the situation position of all my Tarot readings? I’ve obviously asked this question of the Tarot cards. Long story short, the answers I’ve been getting are: relax, enjoy yourself, celebrate your achievements, have fun…so I’ve been trying to focus on that but I have to laugh at myself because I don’t believe in trying. You either do or you don’t. Trying means you’re not doing it. The Hanged Man is a card that is frustrating because it's turning up in the spread in order to show you a completely different picture than what you're focused on.
I couldn’t get past the frustration of feeling like I needed some action to take or to experience the level of results I was looking for first. But alas, the cards keep showing me the same thing – The Hanged Man (a delay for the purpose of shifting perspective) crossed with some sort of disturbing sword card, like the 9 of swords (mentally torturing yourself for no real reason) surrounded by a bunch of happy and/or relaxing cards. For myself and others, I’ve been pulling cards like the 10 of cups – satisfaction, the 10 of pentacles – wealth and family stability, the 3 of cups – celebrating with friends, the 4 of swords – resting and healing the mind, the 6 of wands – victory, and The Sun – fun, happiness, creativity. And I didn't want to accept it because I was all like, I’ll do that when I have my tangible results! So I confused myself trying to read more into it. I mean, I’m looking for solutions here dammit! I needed a bigger bonk on the head...
Synchronicity is when events line up in perfect timing, often repeatedly if you’re stubborn like me. In my life, this often comes in the form of readings. I will get readings for people that all start out the same – either they have a question about something specific going on in their lives or there’s a variety of things going on at once and they need to know their next step. None of these people know each other. Many of them have never even met me before. All of their situations are different (at least this week – I do get situational themes of the week sometimes but that is another story). Then one by one throughout the week, the theme will emerge. This week it’s the energy of frustrated anticipation. Sometimes, it’s not a theme that I personally share. This week, I happened to share the theme and I had a complete answer by the end of the week that I could apply to my own life and that anyone going through something similar (which the planets are indicating are many) could apply as well.
So here it is: The 180 degree difference in perspective is to turn our focus away from scouring our lives for more work to do and more action to take and toward chilling the fuck out. Mars is about action. While retrograde, there is a strong urge to act but often actions are thwarted or procrastination sets in. If you actually DID sweep out the bottom of your swamp over the last couple of years, this is a time to release your attachments to your struggles as strange as that sounds. It just becomes kind of instinctual to look for the next method to claw your way forward when you’ve been knocked to your knees too many times in a row. If you didn’t fully sweep out your metaphorical swamp, at first you will probably get a couple more bonks, like “Remember this? You missed this!” The ruler of Scorpio, Pluto, demands complete annihilation before rebirth can occur. This includes annihilation of your illusion of control. You will need this illusion removed to successfully navigate Mars and Saturn conjunct in Sagittarius pretty soon, so it’s a good thing.
The theme of this week, in my little world at least, is about people who are done with the hard work of Saturn in Scorpio that culminated with Mars in Scorpio and all of a sudden they are kind of sitting around going what the fuck is going on now? What do I DOOOOOO??? I give up! Waahh! I’ve heard "I give up" one too many times this week. You actually do have an action to take. It’s called relaxation! It’s called letting go of action, which is going to take for you to let go of your attachment to the outcome you have planned. The more you resist, the more uncomfortable, depressed and down on yourself you will feel. What you need to realize is that you’ve already taken all of the appropriate steps and the next step is to let go of the results. As a matter of fact, if you force it you even run the risk of sabotaging yourself. Don't do it! There's not much you can do at this point that will make a difference and therefore, there is nothing more for you to do.
This is sometimes called the art of allowing. Allow things to unfold. Your frustration and anxiety are energies that are blocking things from falling into place. When you are creating the things and situations that you want in life, there always comes a point in time where you have to lay that shit to rest. When you resist letting go of your attachment to outcome, you experience something called “it’s always darkest before the dawn” until you get so frustrated and apathetic that you finally let go of control in a passive aggressive tantrum and sit around listlessly mourning the gods’ hatred of you until you just don’t give a damn anymore and you finally start to cut loose. Then, and only then, will the transformed energies you’ve been working on and the goals you’ve been striving for fall into place. This is the prolonged method. Once upon a time, I spent many years practicing the prolonged method lol.
So many people, including myself, have been in danger of having this happen since Mars re-entered Scorpio. It’s a way better option to simply relax, even if you don’t find yourself in a position to celebrate for whatever reason. As soon as I realized the theme of the week was letting go of the outcome by relaxing and celebrating a job well done, things started falling into place within hours. I'm not bullshitting either. I've hit the daily draw on the lottery 3 times this week! When the universe blesses you with a message like that, you should listen! Scorpio isn’t just about death and transformation. It’s also about rebirth, which is cause to celebrate. Having fun is an important part of the process. Go do it.
Mars will station direct on June 29, 2016 so you can spend time from now until then either worrying and anticipating problems or relaxing and anticipating the blessings of the near future, which you know you will receive because of all the hard work you have done on yourself and your situation... It’s your choice. If you start flipping out on people, you’re probably going to be held accountable when Mars meets back up with Saturn, so I don’t advise that unless you are sure it’s needed and fits into your strategy for advancement. Try to be human about it though, okay? Assertiveness is better than aggression. Mars will remain in Scorpio for a little while before moving back into Sagittarius. Use your down time to strategize for your next project if you must but get your mind off of whatever is frustrating you! Get to know the good side of yourself for a while and smile! Soon enough, new projects will fall into your lap and you'll be glad you took the time to replenish your energy. Promise!
There is usually always something significant going on in astrology, like a planet stationing retrograde or stationing direct or major aspects, or patterns, forming in the skies above us. When a planet is stationing, the energy will feel very draining and stuck as this particular planet appears to come to a stop and then begin to move in the opposite direction. I have experienced times where all of a sudden I can just hardly keep my eyes open and when I check the ephemeris, I find that a planet was stationing in that exact hour.
I don’t think it’s always helpful to blame astrology for something that’s happening. I don’t think planetary energy necessarily causes events and actions as much as it enables them by helping the energy flow in certain directions with less effort. How many times do you hear someone blame something on Mercury retrograde? Don’t get me wrong, there are legitimate things that can be blamed on Mercury retrograde. My phone and other electronics almost always do weird shit during Mercury retrograde, especially this last one! But people always look for scapegoats and retrograde planets make easy pickings for astrologers and people who follow astrology. I just want you to know that there is always a positive side to what the planets are doing.
When someone loses their temper and blames it on Mars retrograde, for instance, they’re only half right. Mars retrograde can stir up repressed emotions, especially anger and irritation because it rules anger and aggression. Mars also rules passion, action and desire too though. But did Mars retrograde make you go off on your co-worker? No. You chose to go off on your co-worker. It may have been a long time coming, but that was all you! Mars retrograde just provided the extra energy to enable it to happen in that timing. If there was no buried anger within you, there would be no eruptions.
That doesn’t make you a bad person. You have to express it at some point to get it out. But Mars retrograde energy will enable you to examine appropriate ways of releasing anger, for better or for worse. If you are unaware of what is going on with Mars or if you are unaware of the fact that you have pent up and repressed anger stuffed deep inside your soul, the results can be embarrassing or destructive but you will still learn the lesson.
A lot of people fear retrogrades, but they aren’t always bad. I’ll be the first to admit that I sometimes look at planets going retrograde and think, “Oh shit! Here we go!” I used to do it all the time. But in my research and conversations, I discovered an ancient way of looking at retrograde planets in astrology that makes more sense to me and it seems to click better for me when I read charts. When a planet is retrograde, it appears in our sky as if it is moving backward. The ancients viewed this phenomenon simply. To them, it just meant that the planet had a much stronger influence on the chart.
It turns out that when a planet is retrograde, as explained scientifically, it is able to more strongly influence the Earth with its gravitational pull because it’s traveling on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. When the planet is direct, the Sun is somewhere in between the Earth and that planet and it’s buffering that planet’s energy with its own because the Sun has the strongest energy in our solar system. So scientifically, the planet would have a greater gravitational pull on the Earth than when it had the Sun interfering with its influence on our planet. Metaphysically, we would then say that the energy of that planet is strengthened and magnified in our charts because it isn’t being filtered by the power of the Sun. Even more so if that planet is also retrograde in the natal chart. Ancient astrologers had it right all along!
The same goes for a transiting planet. Right now, several planets are retrograde so their energy is more readily available for use in our lives and in our decisions. Saturn is retrograde in Sagittarius right now. When we aren’t used to this strength of Saturn, in any sign, it can feel very uncomfortable. Exactly how uncomfortable it is can be determined by other factors in the chart. Saturn is the Lord of Karma and is all about rules and work and organization, so it can suck to have a Saturn retrograde transit a sensitive point in your chart and to get bonked over the head a million times in a row, hitting wall after wall.
But if you need to bring more structure to your life and understand the ways that you hold yourself back, then a Saturn retrograde transit is going to teach you a hell of a lot about how you’re fucking up and how to fix it. That’s a good thing. It all depends on your perspective. Understanding how the current positions of the planets (transits) are contacting your chart gives you a better idea of how to best use the energies available to you. If you would like to know how the current retrograde planets are personally affecting your life, according to your chart, contact me for a reading.
That being said, this week I have experienced a theme. Interestingly enough, the theme came to me through my Tarot readings, both personal and professional, which isn’t unusual for me lol. I’m an empath, which means I feel what other people feel and they can often feel what I feel. This attracts people to me who either feel the way I feel or want to feel the way I feel, depending. Tarot cards seem empathic to me as well. Every deck has its own energy and speaks in a different way. Empaths can feel everything from numbers to smells, so cards printed with all the archetypal symbols of the human experience is kind of like a magnet to some empaths, myself included.
Anyway, lately I’ve felt a little stuck. Like, I’ve done all this work on all these different projects and I’m just sitting around, waiting for everything to fall into place. But nothing seemed to want to fall into place in the timing I was looking for! It’s frustrating because I’ve worked very hard and I’ve been happily and eagerly anticipating good results but there was this underlying tension telling me I couldn’t relax until there was NO DOUBT about the outcome. I’m accomplishing many things I have found difficult for several years, in various areas of my life, and I’m ready to reap the full rewards and let go of the tedious details of wrapping up all the loose ends. I’m sick of it. I want it to be over and done with, once and for all, so I can move on to other things already!
Up until Mars re-entered Scorpio, I was blissfully happy about the progress being made. But literally the day this transit happened (May 27th), I started to feel dissatisfied. In hindsight, I can see that this was for no real reason just like the 9 of swords was telling me. There is an inevitable outcome in motion. So do I relax and enjoy that? No, I start bracing for disaster! That’s not healthy folks. As a matter of fact, it’s the opposite of manifesting your dreams. But unfortunately, human beings do that when they’ve been stressed the fuck out for extended periods of time. Just sayin. If you’ve been doing that, you have to have compassion for yourself and let it go. You’ve worked hard and you deserve to relax now.
So I kept looking for what I was missing. You know – what else can I do to make this perfect? What else can I do to move this forward? What else can I do? What else can I do? What else can I dooo??? I mean, damn, Mars is retrograde and it’s all about figuring how to make things run more smoothly, which wasn’t so bad when it was recently in Sagittarius and we were taking a higher view and acting in faith. Can there really be wrong answers when it comes to philosophy and other such high matters? But then it crossed the Scorpio cusp on its retrograde travels. According to the experts, we’re not supposed to start new projects. Instead we are supposed to be refining and perfecting our existing projects, especially the ones started around New Year. I don’t know about you, but I had a lot on my plate in January so up until lately it hasn't been too hard to find loose ends to tie.
Scorpio is fixed water and ruled by Pluto and Mars. We’re talking a deep, active dive into the darkness of our souls whether we wanted to or not. I love Scorpios but they reside here and have you ever noticed how squirmy it can feel under their gaze? They try to read your soul with every stare, which can be sexy but a little intense for every situation. I’m just sayin. Mars was direct in Scorpio at the beginning of this year. It was a time of getting to the bottom of desires and instincts that no longer serve our highest good, looking ourselves in the eye to face our demons and strategizing for improvement, all while you were super raw from dredging all those demons up while Saturn was in Scorpio over the last couple of years. At least for me it was. I have some pretty intense aspects in my birth chart lol. That shit sucked. I have Pluto in the 8th house so I’m always kind of doing that anyway, but not on that level.
If I think of fixed water, I think of a swamp. Saturn and then Mars going through Scorpio was like stirring up all the shit that I’ve ever been through in this life and my past 30 lives from the bottom of the swamp in my soul to be cleansed through the fires of Pluto. When Saturn left Scorpio, followed by Mars, I felt like there was no more swamp left in my soul. It was like an enema given, unasked for, by the universe. Finally, everything began to click and a plans were formed and executed. Things were moving ahead and then several of the planets started to go retrograde and things continued to move ahead except it was hard to notice with the tidal wave of energies hitting us.
But now, Mars is moving back into Scorpio and everything has slowed down to a trickle again. Only not... Ugh! It feels like trying to walk from one side of the swamp to the other while your boots keep getting stuck in the mud, begging the question – what has been missed in the lessons of the last couple of years? Why, oh why, does The Hanged Man keep showing up in the situation position of all my Tarot readings? I’ve obviously asked this question of the Tarot cards. Long story short, the answers I’ve been getting are: relax, enjoy yourself, celebrate your achievements, have fun…so I’ve been trying to focus on that but I have to laugh at myself because I don’t believe in trying. You either do or you don’t. Trying means you’re not doing it. The Hanged Man is a card that is frustrating because it's turning up in the spread in order to show you a completely different picture than what you're focused on.
I couldn’t get past the frustration of feeling like I needed some action to take or to experience the level of results I was looking for first. But alas, the cards keep showing me the same thing – The Hanged Man (a delay for the purpose of shifting perspective) crossed with some sort of disturbing sword card, like the 9 of swords (mentally torturing yourself for no real reason) surrounded by a bunch of happy and/or relaxing cards. For myself and others, I’ve been pulling cards like the 10 of cups – satisfaction, the 10 of pentacles – wealth and family stability, the 3 of cups – celebrating with friends, the 4 of swords – resting and healing the mind, the 6 of wands – victory, and The Sun – fun, happiness, creativity. And I didn't want to accept it because I was all like, I’ll do that when I have my tangible results! So I confused myself trying to read more into it. I mean, I’m looking for solutions here dammit! I needed a bigger bonk on the head...
Synchronicity is when events line up in perfect timing, often repeatedly if you’re stubborn like me. In my life, this often comes in the form of readings. I will get readings for people that all start out the same – either they have a question about something specific going on in their lives or there’s a variety of things going on at once and they need to know their next step. None of these people know each other. Many of them have never even met me before. All of their situations are different (at least this week – I do get situational themes of the week sometimes but that is another story). Then one by one throughout the week, the theme will emerge. This week it’s the energy of frustrated anticipation. Sometimes, it’s not a theme that I personally share. This week, I happened to share the theme and I had a complete answer by the end of the week that I could apply to my own life and that anyone going through something similar (which the planets are indicating are many) could apply as well.
So here it is: The 180 degree difference in perspective is to turn our focus away from scouring our lives for more work to do and more action to take and toward chilling the fuck out. Mars is about action. While retrograde, there is a strong urge to act but often actions are thwarted or procrastination sets in. If you actually DID sweep out the bottom of your swamp over the last couple of years, this is a time to release your attachments to your struggles as strange as that sounds. It just becomes kind of instinctual to look for the next method to claw your way forward when you’ve been knocked to your knees too many times in a row. If you didn’t fully sweep out your metaphorical swamp, at first you will probably get a couple more bonks, like “Remember this? You missed this!” The ruler of Scorpio, Pluto, demands complete annihilation before rebirth can occur. This includes annihilation of your illusion of control. You will need this illusion removed to successfully navigate Mars and Saturn conjunct in Sagittarius pretty soon, so it’s a good thing.
The theme of this week, in my little world at least, is about people who are done with the hard work of Saturn in Scorpio that culminated with Mars in Scorpio and all of a sudden they are kind of sitting around going what the fuck is going on now? What do I DOOOOOO??? I give up! Waahh! I’ve heard "I give up" one too many times this week. You actually do have an action to take. It’s called relaxation! It’s called letting go of action, which is going to take for you to let go of your attachment to the outcome you have planned. The more you resist, the more uncomfortable, depressed and down on yourself you will feel. What you need to realize is that you’ve already taken all of the appropriate steps and the next step is to let go of the results. As a matter of fact, if you force it you even run the risk of sabotaging yourself. Don't do it! There's not much you can do at this point that will make a difference and therefore, there is nothing more for you to do.
This is sometimes called the art of allowing. Allow things to unfold. Your frustration and anxiety are energies that are blocking things from falling into place. When you are creating the things and situations that you want in life, there always comes a point in time where you have to lay that shit to rest. When you resist letting go of your attachment to outcome, you experience something called “it’s always darkest before the dawn” until you get so frustrated and apathetic that you finally let go of control in a passive aggressive tantrum and sit around listlessly mourning the gods’ hatred of you until you just don’t give a damn anymore and you finally start to cut loose. Then, and only then, will the transformed energies you’ve been working on and the goals you’ve been striving for fall into place. This is the prolonged method. Once upon a time, I spent many years practicing the prolonged method lol.
So many people, including myself, have been in danger of having this happen since Mars re-entered Scorpio. It’s a way better option to simply relax, even if you don’t find yourself in a position to celebrate for whatever reason. As soon as I realized the theme of the week was letting go of the outcome by relaxing and celebrating a job well done, things started falling into place within hours. I'm not bullshitting either. I've hit the daily draw on the lottery 3 times this week! When the universe blesses you with a message like that, you should listen! Scorpio isn’t just about death and transformation. It’s also about rebirth, which is cause to celebrate. Having fun is an important part of the process. Go do it.
Mars will station direct on June 29, 2016 so you can spend time from now until then either worrying and anticipating problems or relaxing and anticipating the blessings of the near future, which you know you will receive because of all the hard work you have done on yourself and your situation... It’s your choice. If you start flipping out on people, you’re probably going to be held accountable when Mars meets back up with Saturn, so I don’t advise that unless you are sure it’s needed and fits into your strategy for advancement. Try to be human about it though, okay? Assertiveness is better than aggression. Mars will remain in Scorpio for a little while before moving back into Sagittarius. Use your down time to strategize for your next project if you must but get your mind off of whatever is frustrating you! Get to know the good side of yourself for a while and smile! Soon enough, new projects will fall into your lap and you'll be glad you took the time to replenish your energy. Promise!